Tucson Mufon Meetings

22nd Meeting

March 15th, 2025. Saturday – NOON-2PM. Elk’s Lodge, 1800 N. Oracle rd.

Rhonda and Dwight Hull

The Golden Awakening

Dwight & Rhonda Hull Paranormal researcher, experiencer, author, pet psychic and animal communicator.

Dwight Hull has been investigating the paranormal for more than 40 years. He has been involved in thousands of investigations and has actively investigated Tombstone (AZ), Alcatraz Prison, Terminal Tower, Tower of London, the Bacardi factory, the Queen Mary, Mansfield Prison and other active paranormal sites.

Dwight has a background in the military and as a police officer, which aids considerably in paranormal investigations. He was the paranormal expert at The Bird Cage Theater in Tombstone Arizona on a Ghost Adventures 2009 episode.

Rhonda Hull has more than a decade of experience as a paranormal researcher and over twenty-five years as a psychic and medium. Many of her clients are former actors, Broadway stars, Hollywood film producers/ execs, and musicians.

She has volunteered her time as a psychic detective with the FindMeGroup for five years as a psychic detective helping to solve missing person and homicide cases and has continued in the private sector to assist families and law enforcement around the globe free of charge.

For more than a decade Dwight and Rhonda have traveled all over Arizona and New Mexico assisting people with paranormal problems, cleansing homes, empowered clients, connected them with loved ones on the other side, and advising on pet and equine behavioral and health problems.

In fact, Dwight is well known throughout most of southern Arizona as the leading animal communicator who has helped many horses live stronger, more enriched lives with their equestrians because of his remarkable telepathic abilities. His clients include most domesticated animals as well as animals in rescues and zoo’s.

Dwight and Rhonda Hull hosted a boutique style paranormal event in Tombstone for eight years called A Haunting in The Desert.

They are the authors of The Golden Awakening is a compilation of their own UFO sightings and visitations by non-human’s as well as Encounters which is a collection of other people’s supernatural encounters.

23rd Meeting

April 12th, 2025. Saturday – Noon – 2PM. Elk’s lodge, 1800 N. Oracle rd.

Melinda Leslie

Government Disclosures on the UFO Phenomenon and the Sedona D.U.M.B.

Melinda will be creating a new presentation covering the UFO Disclosure and the underground base under Sedona Arizona.

In this era of government UFO disclosure, it is important that abductee’s voices are heard and that the abduction phenomenon is part of any Disclosure discussion. Melinda encourages everyone with ET experiences to come forward and be heard so that all forms of contact are included for an accurate and eventual disclosure of the truth.

Melinda Leslie is an investigator in the UFO field with 34 years of experience and has researched individuals involved in its’ “cover-up” for 30 plus of those years. For 12 years she has been the Owner of UFO Sighting Tours in Sedona, Arizona, where she has conducted over 1,620 tours with the use of military Night Vision Goggles.

Website: www.UFOSightingTours.com

24th Meeting

May 10th, 2025. Saturday – Noon – 2PM. Elk’s lodge, 1800 N. Oracle rd.


25th Meeting

June 14th, 2025. Saturday – Noon – 2PM. Elk’s lodge, 1800 N. Oracle rd.


Previous Speakers can be seen here.