Tucson Mufon Meetings

18th Meeting

November 16th, 2024. Saturday – NOON – 2PM. Elk’s Lodge, 1800 N. Oracle rd.

Meet Michael Horn

The Billy Meier Contacts: UFOs, Predictions & the Secret Sciences

Michael Horn is recognized as the world’s leading authority on UFOs. He has over 40 years of experience as a science researcher and began his study and research into what are known as the Billy Meier UFO contacts, in 1979.

Michael likes to say that he’s the only UFO researcher to be “interrogated” for three months by US military intelligence. In January 2017, he received an unexpected phone call from a gruff sounding man who only said his name was Joe and that he was an “investigator”. Mincing no words, Joe said he’d happened upon Michael‘s research into the Meier contacts online, regarded it as a hoax and was “inviting” Michael to substantiate his claims. Joe’s intense, probing, two-hour Saturday morning phone calls ceased at the end of March, as abruptly as they’d began. Michael next heard from him in the middle of August. In the same in-your-face style, Joe began his call assuming agreement, “It’s Joe, still talk to me? Good. Okay, now I’ll tell you who I am and I’ll tell you about your Billy Meier UFO case.”

He considered the subsequent hundreds of incomparable UFO photos, films and other evidence Meier had presented for examination in the 1970s, after he’d lost his left arm, and the independent photo and film analyses by experts from JPL, NASA, McDonnell Douglas, IBM and award-winning special effects experts, etc. It was the 1970s UFO photographs that the late US astronaut, Gordon Cooper, saw and about which remarked, “Very fine, very fine, they were absolutely authentic.”

Even though Michael’s one of over 100 eyewitnesses of the craft himself, his research went far beyond the UFO phenomenon, focusing on what he considers an even “higher standard of proof”. Found only in the Meier evidence, are hundreds of examples of specific, error-free, previously unknown scientific, environmental and geopolitical information published by Meier up to decades before “official discovery” and which could only have been provided by persons far more knowledgeable than him.

While he doesn’t focus on the UFO evidence, ironically Michael is the discoverer of never before seen, 1981 photos of one of the UFOs interacting with a, then top secret, US Stealth fighter, at Groom Lake, Nevada.

As Michael says, “The confirmed existence of intelligent extraterrestrial life would be the single most important development in all of science and human history…exceeded only by contact with such beings. I think we’ll find that these contacts literally hold the key to our future survival.”

19th Meeting

December 16th, 2024. Monday5PM-7PM. Elk’s Lodge, 1800 N. Oracle rd.

Meet Jeff Woolwine

Tucson UFOS/Orbs

Since May, Jeff has been watching anomalous orbs fly over the Catalina Mountains every night! He has filmed and taken numerous photos of them every night! The more he spoke of them, people looked themselves and they saw them too! Jeff will show us his show case of orbs he has caught over Tucson in 2024, and tell us what he thinks they are and where they are coming from!

Previous Speakers can be seen here.