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June 17th 2023 – Marianne Robb & Dave Rich

UAP-PD Presentations: Former police officers Marianne Robb and Dave Rich present the nuances of investigating UAP as law enforcement professionals, including the hurdles that have kept UAP investigations from occurring. They also cover fascinating historical cases where, in many cases, police chased mysterious aerial objects across multiple counties.

UFOs aren’t the only phenomena police officers run across. If requested, they can also include some of the other mysterious paranormal phenomenon police have allegedly run into.

“There are approximately 800,000 law enforcement officers in the United States. They work 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. They are seeing things, and not talking. We’re going to tell you why and share with you some of their best UFO cases.”

Dave Rich is a 25-year veteran police officer. Dave started in patrol, then worked in the investigations unit as a gang detective, homicide and sex crimes detective, and narcotics detective. Dave currently works in the school resource officer unit.

Dave joined the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) and worked as a field investigator. He is also an instructor for MUFON in Advanced Interview Techniques and Evidence Collection.

Marianne Robb is a retired Police Officer and former Field Investigator with the Arizona chapter of MUFON. In her 34 year career in the police force, she has gained experience as a detective in arson, property crimes, and narcotics, and as a crime prevention consultant.

Marianne joined MUFON 2017 and became a field Investigator a year later. She is now also an instructor at the annual MUFON Field Investigator Boot Camp in Arizona. Marianne teaches MUFON field investigators how to apply methods she learned in law enforcement to their UFO investigations.

Marianne hadn’t given UFOs much thought until her husband began going to MUFON meetings and introducing her to UFO researchers. What she learned from them inspired her to commit to helping find the truth behind the mysterious UFO phenomenon. Marianne believes that the government and others researching this phenomenon are all looking for the same thing – the truth. She hopes one day all of these groups will work together in this shared interest.

July 8th, 2023 – Marc D’Antonio

HOW UFOs Travel From There to Here.
An ET civilization will have to be able to cross the vast gulf between stars… Or DO they? This talk illustrates how that can happen without actually moving from point A to point B in space. It is presented in a manner that anyone can understand and is groundbreaking.
To that end, the presentation will illustrate techniques and technology that is literally nearly at our doorstep that can be used to accomplish the seemingly impossible task of getting HERE from THERE/ On the flip side, we can use it to get THERE from HERE moving forward.

August 5th, 2023 – Jerry Wills

This man is an extraterrestrial with psychic healing abilities.

Jerry Wills, a man who has devoted his life to helping others through his unusual gifts. Jerry is not alone, there are hundreds of so called “Faith Healers” or”Energy Healers” in America today. Some are very well known, others are not.

Here is a News clip from FOX10 in Phoenix, 2006, with Jerry.

Jerry on Earth Files with Linda Moulton Howe. The Amaru Muru portal story.
Part 1
Part 2.

Jerry will be discussing the extraterrestrials he met during his travels in Peru. The second hour is a surprise.

September 9th, 2023 – Jeff Woolwine

Author, Phoenix Arizona Historian, Public Figure, Phoenix Lights and Rock Art Expert,(Arizona Lights)

Jeff woolwine is one of the premiere ufologist in the United States. Born and raised in Phoenix Arizona Jeff has literally grown up with these ufos as he has been witnessing these beings in the skies since he was a kid. Starting in 2005 Jeff was the first to prove that the first people who lived in this valley saw and carved prehistoric photos of what they witnessed in the skies above this valley on the mountains around Phoenix. Jeff soon realized that the rock art was not only depicting the famous 1997 Phoenix lights but also tells the real history of Phoenix that has been coverd up over 80 years away from the public eye. Through the many years of hiking the mountains and exploring he has discovered carvings of giants along with sacrificing altars and even evidence of buried treasures of gold that was not only left from the Hohokam Indians but also the Mayans within a holy mountain of Phoenix. Before The ancient aliens tv shows and UFO hunter shows was just a idea, Jeff was on the mountains of Phoenix hiking and exploring and understanding the history of this land and the meanings behind the Phoenix Lights. Jeff explains all of this from his 15 + years in depth research and fact checking and field work on the mountains of Phoenix. Jeff has written a book with many color photos and information on the history of Phoenix.

Saturday he will be discussing the covered up history of Phoenix. The Phoenix Lights and UFOs that match the 1000 year old petroglyphs on the mountains around Phoenix. The city of Cibola. What really happened to the Hohokam Indians what dose history say though the stories of their rock drawings.

October 7th, 2023 – Jim Goodall

Jim is a Legendary Author, photographer, and Aviation historian. He also worked in advanced Aerospace. One of the worlds’ leading experts on the Lockheed Skunk Works and Area 51.

November 1988: After seeing and photographing the Lockheed Skunk Works F-117 for the first time along the fence line at Tonopah Test Range (TTR), John Lear and Jim headed back to Las Vegas. They arrived at John’s home about 9:15 PM, and ten minutes later a young man showed up. Jim had print film that needed to be processed and all of the FotoMats (way before digital photography) were closed.  Jim wouldn’t know if any of his images were any good until well into the next day. John’s friend told Jim he had a Kodak C-41 film processor at his home. That friend was a guy named Bob Lazar.

They needed to head back to John’s friend’s home to process some film. There in living color was the very first non-DoD, or Lockheed photo, of the first operational stealth fighter, the F-117A Senior Trend.

November 18th, 2023 – HooDoo Tall

The man, the monster tracker, the legend. The reason why we saw 2 episodes of Bradshaw Ranch on Beyond Skinwalker, on the History Channel this year. The owner of Skinwalker ranch saw Hoodoo Tall’s documentary about the strange phenomena on Bradshaw Ranch in Sedona Arizona. Brandon Fugal along with his Super Intendant Thomas Winterton, went to Sedona to get a private tour of the Ranch with Hoodoo Tall.

Hoodoo Tall will discuss Bradshaw Ranch in Sedona Arizona. AND evidence for Bigfoot, portals, cryptids and other very strange phenomenon on the ranch. Also will discuss information of the findings of John Lear and Lou Baldin. John Lear was an aviator who worked with the CIA.  In the 1980s, Lear began speaking of alien collusion with secret governmental forces. Lou Baldin is an author who writes mostly about the paranormal and extraterrestrial influences. HooDoo has had private sessions with both of these men and was priviledged to private disclosures. Hoodoo can prove certain aspects of their work with his own experiences around Sedona and the Bradshaw Ranch.

December 16th, 2023 – Melinda Leslie

Melinda Leslie “disclosed” her own extraterrestrial abduction experiences and contact story. Melinda feels strongly that we can’t have an official UFO disclosure if we’re not willing to tell our own stories. And that disclosure starts with each of us individually being willing to stand up and tell our own truth. She hopes that by her doing so, she’ll inspire other abductees and contactees to do the same.

In this era of government UFO disclosure, it is important that abductee’s voices are heard and that the abduction phenomenon is part of any Disclosure discussion. Melinda encourages everyone with ET experiences to come forward and be heard so that all forms of contact are included for an accurate and eventual disclosure of the truth.

Melinda Leslie is an investigator in the UFO field with 34 years of experience and has researched individuals involved in its’ “cover-up” for 30 plus of those years. For 12 years she has been the Owner of UFO Sighting Tours in Sedona, Arizona, where she has conducted over 1,620 tours with the use of military Night Vision Goggles.


January 7th, 2024 – Deb Starwalker

Deb Starwalker, a  starseed walk-in and ET contactee, gave a  presentation at the Tucson Mufon meeting on 1-7-2024. 

The talk was about ‘Extraterrestrial Connection to Activation of 6 Ascension Portsls in the Tucson-Green Valley AZ Area’. Four groups of extraterrestrials helped activate 6 ascension portals in the Tucson-Green Valley area. Deb shared who the ETs are, their purpose and message to humans, and why this area was chosen for a consciousness upgrade. She talked about Egyptian pyramids and indigenous sacred mountain connections to the portals. Understand how sacred geometry is part of the portal awakening of 5D ascension consciousness. Learn steps you can take to be ready for upcoming galactic disclosure and spiritual connection to our galactic family.

Her talk described the various ET groups’ purpose and message, plus steps humans can take for direct communication and partnership with ETs for earths ascension.

The audience response was positive, describing it as good, informative, detailed, and very well organized.

Her website is

February 17th, 2024 – Karen Hill

Atlantean Crystal Orb

Karen has numerous and endless rabbit holes that she has crawled into in the past few years. One of her favorites its the about the Atlantean Crystal orb that was found near Bimini in 1970 by, Arizonan, Dr. Ray Brown.

She will be discussing that orb’s journey and where it is today. Come crawl down this fascinating rabbit hole that involves measuring crystal energy, piezoelectricity, and the ancient civilizations that could have used crystal power.

March 23rd, 2024 – Ella LeBain

A renowned Biblical Scholar, ET Experiencer, and longtime UFO
Researcher, Ella LeBain, a member of both MUFON/Colorado and
MUFON/National, is also the author of a highly popular, original, six-book, non-
fiction series entitled: “Who’s Who in The Cosmic Zoo? A Guide to ETs, Aliens,
Exoplanets & Space Controversies.” Ella’s book series reveals in great detail the
origins of – the history behind – and the upcoming disclosure of – Alien Life and its
historic effects on Mankind’s Culture and World Religions.

April 6th, 2024 – Audience tales

14 speakers – Alien implants, UFO sightings, Humanoid ETs in a restaurant, How to talk to ghosts in form of a song, etc

May 18th, 2024 – Aage Nost

Aage showed us photos of structures on the Moon and on Mars. After that he discussed statements confirming UFO disclosure. As well as FBI Government documents showing the ET presence. He passed papers, one was How to Make a UFO Detector, the other was an FBI document from 1950 about the military having retrieved a crashed UFO and being inside it.

June 15th, 2024 – Diane Gleason

Science and UAPS

Past, Present and cutting edge New Research – New never seen before data from Skinwalker Ranch and other hotspots.

Diane Gleason was the Tucson Mufon Director from 2014-2018.

Currently Diane is the Chief Field Investigator for Mufon in Arizona.

She has spent 30 years in Geology and Mineralogy.  she was the second woman state geologist in the country, that had been appointing state geologists since the civil war. 

July 13th, 2024 – William Henry

This was William Henry’s FIRST MUFON LECTURE… EVER! Big win for Tucson Mufon. His lecture covered a timeline from the ancient Anunnaki to modern UAP phenomenon. He blended in ancient Egypt with modern day religions. Everyone was quite impressed with his lecture.

August 10th, 2024 – UAP-PD, Marianne Robb & Dave Rich

Marianne Robb and Dave Rich, retired Arizona police officers with a combined 59 years of law enforcement experience take center stage to shed light on a fascinating and lesser-known aspect of their profession: investigating Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP), the paranormal and cryptids.
With an impressive collective experience, they offer unique insights into the challenges that have historically hindered UAP & paranormal investigations within law enforcement circles.

Drawing from their own first-hand encounters and conversations with fellow officers, the duo courageously explores the enigmatic world of unexplained sightings (UAP’s, the paranormal) whether seen in the sky or on land. They also reveal a stunning truth – amidst the responsibilities of protecting the public, approximately 800,000 dedicated law enforcement officers in the United States have witnessed perplexing phenomena, choosing to remain silent about their experiences. Why?

September 7th, 2024 – Stacey Wright

Stacey Wright is the State Director for Arizona MUFON, and also the Director of Phoenix MUFON. 

Stacey is a certified Field Investigator and STAR Team member for MUFON and over the past 16 years has helped to build the Phoenix MUFON chapter from ground up to become MUFON International’s 2017 Chapter Of The Year. 

Stacey has worked as team leader on Roswell archaeological Digs with Don Schmitt, helped design and produce the Phoenix Lights exhibit for the Arizona Historical Society Museum, and was team leader for the revision of MUFON’s State Director Handbook. 

Stacey is the organizer of MUFON’s Annual Field Investigator Boot Camp which has been held in Mesa AZ for the past 6 years. The Boot Camp is a weekend of concentrated instruction on the protocols of completing a quality investigation of a UFO-related event. 

The first half of her lecture will be, What MUFON does… and a few interesting cases from across the globe.

October 26th, 2024 – James Keenan

Investigating an Ancient Past and The Strange Phenomena

James most recently has focused much of his time and energy into the unexplainable events occurring in and around the Uinta Basin, located in Northeastern, Utah.

James has investigated mysterious places all around the world, but most famously Skinwalker Ranch and Blind Frog Ranch.

November 16th, 2024 – Michael Horn

The Billy Meier Contacts: UFOs, Predictions & the Secret Sciences

Michael Horn is recognized as the world’s leading authority on UFOs. He has over 40 years of experience as a science researcher and began his study and research into what are known as the Billy Meier UFO contacts, in 1979.

December 16th, 2024 – Jeff Woolwine

Tucson Orbs

Since May, Jeff has been watching anomalous orbs fly over the Catalina Mountains every night! He has filmed and taken numerous photos of them every night! The more he spoke of them, people looked for themselves and they saw them too!

Jeff will show us his show case of videos and photos of the orbs he has caught over Tucson, and tell us why he thinks they are here and the recorded history of these lights visiting that mountain over a thousand years ago, first seen by the Hohokam Indians.

January 11th, 2025. – Jon Dover

UFO’s, hauntings, Bigfoot, and Navajo Skinwalkers. Oh, My.

At our January Tucson Mufon meeting ex Navajo Ranger, Jon Dover taught us how to kill a Navajo Skinwalker. The audience didn’t know they were going to leave with that knowledge and responsibility, but they did! Listening to Jon you got a sense of the honesty and modesty of the Navajo culture. How the Paranormal is normal and a way of life. Jon had unique stories about coin apporting and ufo/orb sightings in Arizona.

February 16th, 2025. – Tony Rodrigues

Tony explains his past in the Secret Space Program and discusses his remote viewing ability and how others can achieve it.

If you missed today’s Mufonday you missed a lot. Author, experiencer, remote viewer, educator our good friend, Tony Rodrigues presented today at Tucson Mufon. Everyone in the audience was so engaged with what he had to say. Tony’s presentation covered Secret Space programs, 20 and back, and remote viewing and more. There was a good turnout after the meeting at Lunch, which was almost equally insightful.

Tony actively speaks and hosts conferences focused on truth exploration, helping others delve into deeper understandings of hidden realities.